Tuesday, September 10, 2013

SSSSssshhhhh . . . The President Is Speaking

. . . . about what, I'm not exactly sure.

Obama opened with "My fellow Americans..." Well there's the first lie out of the way.  Heh.

He sounds rushed, like he wants this to be over quickly. NOW, I have empathy.

Through all this rhetoric, all I can remember is Joe Biden saying Obama ("this guy" he called him) has steel in his spine. If so, right now I think it's Putin's knife.

And now it's over. I HAVE NO CLUE what he just said. And I'm S.M.ARE.T.

smh . . .

1 comment:

  1. He did use the words "I", "Me" and "My" about two times per minutes through the entire speech. That was more telling than the words.
